[打印本页] 作者:不易
时间:2013-11-20 11:24
my dear 188bet金宝搏彩票app,我的账号被亚马逊封了一天,
Hello from Amazon.
We are writing to let you know we have removed your Amazon.com selling privileges for 1 day(s).
We took this action because your rate of order cancellations, late shipments, or refunded orders indicate that a number of buyers have been dissatisfied with the service you have provided.
Your performance metrics and our performance targets are available in the Customer Metrics section of your seller account (https://sellercentral.amazon.com ... rience/summary.html). Reviewing your metrics may help you identify where you can improve your performance.
We encourage you to take appropriate steps to resolve any pending orders and review your fulfillment practices during this time. For performance improvement tips, search on “Seller Best Practices” in seller Help.
We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for selling on Amazon.com.
2. 亚马逊原文:Failure to meet these targets does not necessarily put your account in negative standing, but failure to improve may negatively affect your account.
[指标没有达标问题不会太大,但是如果指标有问题又一直不采取措施改进就会使账户很被动甚至被亚马逊关闭],ODR, 卖家订单取消率,发货延迟率这三项指标非常重要而且有硬性的一个标准。
Order defect rate: < 1%
Pre-fulfillment cancel rate: < 2.5%
Late shipment rate: < 4%
3. 现在要做的是针对自己账户的情况改善指标,这种情况一般账户是可以要回来。
时间:2013-11-20 15:40
en thanks i will
时间:2013-12-1 18:01