We cannot accept your appeal because the content on your product detail page has not been modified to exclude infringing content. Please provide the following information so that we can process your appeal.
Please edit the product detail page so that trademarked terms do not lead your product to be confused with a different copy right text.
-- Proof of product authenticity (e.g., invoice or Order ID). Please ensure that your proof of authenticity includes an invoice or order ID. It must clearly prove that your products do not infringe on the intellectual property of the rights owner. Please send this information, any other documentation, and a list of impacted ASINS tonotice-dispute@amazon.in.
Complaint ID: 6443757181
To learn more about this policy, search for “Intellectual Property Violations” in Seller Central Help (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/201361070).
If you believe an error took place, please send an explanation and supporting information tonotice-dispute@amazon.com.
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email topayments-investigate@amazon.com.
You can learn more about your account health in the Performance section of Seller Central (https://sellercentral.amazon.in/performance/dashboard?ref=ah_em_mpa).