
标题:二审没过,如何申诉 [打印本页]

作者:312549534 时间:2020-2-21 14:04
各位大神,自己注册的个体户,开始收到邮件说注册账户信息无法验证,后面提交个人信息综合凭证后亚马逊继续受理,妖后按要求提供了营业执照公证书,后面就收到了绩效团队没有通过的邮件:Hello, You may no longer sell on Amazon. As a result, we are not able to assist with this request at this time.Please review your performance notifications for information on how to resolve your account status. You can view warnings and notifications we previously sent you about your violations via email by viewing the Notifications page in the Performance section of Seller Central: https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/customer-experience/perf-notifications.html. Once you have addressed the issues on the account, you may resubmit your request by emailing payments-investigate@amazon.co.uk. To learn more about subscription fees, visit the following page: https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/16251这个如何处理?谢谢

Sincerely, Seller Performance Team https://www.amazon.co.uk

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