We are unable to approve your application at this time due to the following reason: The trademark registration number you entered is not in a pending status as is required when enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry with a trademark application number . Please ensure you are entering the correct trademark application number and selecting the correct trademark status during enrollment before trying again. If your trademark application was recently submitted, it may take time our eligibility criteria. We currently only accept word, design, or device marks.
nicky 发表于 2021-6-5 13:40
not in a pending status, 不是TM标, 你是不是选错了, 那边有两个选项,
funghi 发表于 2021-6-5 14:18
idongvat 发表于 2021-6-5 14:31
funghi 发表于 2021-6-5 15:15
不会,如果序列号不合规的话会出现红字警示也无法继续提交,我的序列号是没问题的,所以会让我继续下一步 ...
Rose-肉丝 发表于 2021-6-5 16:43
原因如下:您使用商标申请号在亚马逊品牌注册中心注册时,输入的商标注册号没有处于待定状态。请确保您输入 ...
logohe 发表于 2021-6-5 17:48
funghi 发表于 2021-6-6 13:45
可能是因为备案时间的原因。最近一次申请终于给我回音了,但需要提供verification code。这个号码是发给 ...
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