[打印本页] 作者:Jay普邻说跨境
时间:2022-12-19 16:11
什么是A-to-Z 亚马逊对在亚马逊平台上购买商品的所有买家实施保护政策,如果买家不满意第三方卖家销售的商品或服务,买家可以发起亚马逊商城交易保障索赔(Amazon-to-Z Guarantee claim)(简称“A-to-Z”或“A-to-Z索赔”),保护自己的利益。卖家对于买家发起的A-to-Z索赔的处理时限只有72小时
以下范围,亚马逊不受理申请: 买家订单的追踪信息(快递单号)显示预计不久即可送达,买家在这个节点提出索赔不会获得批准,亚马逊会要求其等待商品送达,卖家暂时无需承担责任。
出现这种情况的原因? 卖家超过48小时未回客户消息
包裹显示妥投,客户没收到货申诉模板 Dear Amazon:
We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension.
I understand that recently our performance has fallen below Amazon's target. After checking our ODR, we find that the main reason that cause A TO Z claims and charghebacks is that buyer claim they did not receive the package, while the tracking number shows it was delivered. High ODR rate is caused by bad logistic service.
Steps we have taken and will continue to take:
1.we have changed our logistics company , we have found a better efficiency logistics company to offer the better service, we will ensure every customer can receive their package.
2.We will use FBA to fullfill part of our orders .
3.We have and will continue to offer great purchase experience to the customers.
4.We have checked all the products we've been sold, and removed the product that may have problems, we will continue to do this to offer the best service to the customer
5.Improving our service level;
a.Answer the customer’s message within 24 hours.
b.b.Reply to the buyer’s inquiry as soon as possible. Try our best to meet buyer’s needs
c.For negative feedback, be patient to contact with the customer, figure out a good solution and keep in touch with the customer.
d.After-sale service, support what we can do to help the customer to remove doubts about our product.
e.Upgrading our operating level and taking a more professional attitude. Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you.