
标题:刚收到了黑色星期五欧洲站deal活动的邮件 [打印本页]

作者:DDD鹿 时间:2016-10-25 17:36

十分感谢 G.ATE 同学 , 在论坛分享欧洲黑色星期五deal活动报名链接,看到就直接报名了
里面说10.15号 就会收到邮件回复,可一直都没等到,还以为没了下文。

有在欧洲申请deal成功的小伙伴吗 大家都是早早收到邮件了吗?
要在什么时间之前到仓库? 是11月2号前吗? 邮件里说得模糊,没给明确deal时间,只说要在活动开始前5天入库完成。。。

这是邮件部分内容,里面说什么表格(However please exclude the deal SKU from your feeds file (e.g. flat file, MWS API) until the deal has expired.
) ,这是什么意思? 就是还要再发一次给团队吗?

1) The deal price will be fed through our internal system, there is no action required from your side in regards to adjusting the price.

However please exclude the deal SKU from your feeds file (e.g. flat file, MWS API) until the deal has expired.

If our systems receive different information (e.g., price, inventory) sent via feeds, the deal information may be impacted and lead to a negative customer experience. If you would like to change your price before or during the deal offer period, you must inform us of any price change BEFORE you implement it and the price change may lead to your offer above being delayed, suspended or terminated.

2) Please make sure that you send sufficient inventory into FBA at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled deal date. We may otherwise suspend or cancel the scheduled deal to ensure a good deal experience for the Customers.

3) If you use both FBA and your own shipping fulfilment to fulfil orders for an item that has been approved for a holiday deal, please temporarily make the non-FBA SKU inactive during the time of the promotion so that the item will be shipped via FBA when a customer purchases the item to create a great customer experience.

4) It remains your responsibility to comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to your offers on our sites before, throughout and after the promotion.

作者:ranxia20 时间:2016-10-25 17:43
亲 G.ATE分享的帖子链接还有吗? 想学习一下,谢谢啦
另外你问的意思,是上面那一大段英文的意思? 还是就是前面那1句话
作者:G.ATE 时间:2016-10-25 17:50
ranxia20 发表于 2016-10-25 17:43
亲 G.ATE分享的帖子链接还有吗? 想学习一下,谢谢啦
另外你问的意思,是上面那一大段英文的意思? 还是就 ...

作者:G.ATE 时间:2016-10-25 17:53
作者:DDD鹿 时间:2016-10-25 18:07
ranxia20 发表于 2016-10-25 17:43
亲 G.ATE分享的帖子链接还有吗? 想学习一下,谢谢啦
另外你问的意思,是上面那一大段英文的意思? 还是就 ...

就这句话:However please exclude the deal SKU from your feeds file (e.g. flat file, MWS API) until the deal has expired.

//www.88bfru.com/forum. ... hlight=%B1%A8%C3%FB

作者:DDD鹿 时间:2016-10-25 18:09
G.ATE 发表于 2016-10-25 17:53
其实你不懂可以问客服,客服还是有点用处的,你有自己的招商经理吗?如果没有的话,但是问题有比较多你直接 ...

来不及了··· 还是都发过去试一试看看 因为都不知道deal活动具体是哪一天。。
作者:ranxia20 时间:2016-10-26 09:03
DDD鹿 发表于 2016-10-25 18:07
就这句话:However please exclude the deal SKU from your feeds file (e.g. flat file, MWS API) until ...

大概的意思的,当你用feeds file (e.g. flat file, MWS API) 这个操作的时候,要把你报了deal活动的SKU除掉,不能包含在里面,不然可能会因为系统的问题给买家带来不好的体验。
这个feeds file (e.g. flat file, MWS API) 是啥我也不太明白。。。
作者:G.ATE 时间:2016-10-31 09:46
DDD鹿 发表于 2016-10-25 18:09
来不及了··· 还是都发过去试一试看看 因为都不知道deal活动具体是哪一天。。
你们的知 ...


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