我想将一个子产品合并入一个已经存在的父体里面,但是上传后一直出现错误代码8040,我该怎么解决呢?开了case问客服,回复也是链接里的步骤,但是按这个步骤来,还是8040,崩溃,求大佬赐教 |
You may not create new variation relationships for this Brand. You are free to add offers to any existing ASIN for this Brand. Please review our variation relationship policy here: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G8831. If you believe the variation relationship you want to create is part of the ASIN family, contact Seller Support at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us and mention error code 8040. |