本帖最后由 BQoolCN 于 2018-3-14 17:48 编辑
亚马逊卖家是否有常常遇过买家针对你的定单开A-to-Z的困扰呢?而且解决完买家问题但又不知道要怎么请对方移除 A-to-z claim。 BQool 为了各卖家店铺的稳定经营,提供移除 A-to-z 的电邮模板与各位分享。
Dear Buyer,
Thank you for contacting us about the problem of your recent order. Hopefully we have fully resolved your issue. If you think the problem is now solved and would like to withdraw the A-to-z Claim, which you filed eariler on this order__________(订单ID), we would greatly appreciate it.
Here are the steps to withdraw your A-to-z claim in the orders section of Your Account.
To withdraw a claim for purchases made on Amazon.com
Go to Your Orders Locate your order in the list and click Order Details. If the order has already shipped, click Withdraw claim under Problem with this order? on the order summary page. Follow the prompts to explain the withdrawal and click Withdraw claim to complete the request. We hope you have a pleasant day, thank you for shopping at __________(这放店铺名). Yours sincerely, _______(店铺名) Customer Service Team
BQool 处理差评干货延生阅读-
[BQool原创]亚马逊负面 Review 对应方式 [BQool原创]帮您的店铺开疆辟土-亚马逊商品评论 [BQool 分享] 有人恶意留我亚马逊店家负评及商品负评,我要怎麽去查?
常常得到店铺差评,但又不知道如何是好,电邮写给买家移除差评论又没有效果,该是试试其他方法的时后了!! BQool 卖家反馈软件可以帮助卖家自动寄送出专业移除差评电邮给买家,协助他们顺利移除差评,以下是其中之一的模板作为参考。
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