? |
低情商的白话: |
That is not my job |
这不是我的工作 |
? |
阴阳怪气话术: |
Although this event is out of my responsibily,I will be happy to connect with you someone-else. |
虽然这事儿在我的工作职责范围以外,但我很乐意为你推荐另一位能完成这件事的人。 |
? |
低情商的白话: |
Dont assign me so many task if you dont want anyone to get done. |
别给我整这么多活,要不然我一件都完成不了。 |
? |
阴阳怪气话术: |
As my work-load is quite heavy, can you help me to prioritize in order to sort these tasks? |
鉴于我的工作量已经超载,您是否能帮我梳理一下我该如何重新安排优先级别以此做出取舍/适应新的任务吗? |
? |
低情商的白话: |
that sounds like your problem. |
这听起来是你自己的问题。 |
? |
阴阳怪气话术: |
I think it falls in your responsibily, but I am happy to support with another suggestion. |
我很确信这件事情属于你的职责范围以内,但如果能让这件事情正常运转我很乐意提供一定建议。 |
? |
低情商的白话: |
why dont you ask me this sooner? |
你为何不早点问我这个问题? |
? |
阴阳怪气话术: |
Given the situation is so up tight,it would be beneficial if you ask me this sooner. |
考虑到目前的紧张形势,如果能让我早点被问询这一点将会十分有益。 |
? |
低情商的白话: |
Dont email me so oftenly |
不要这么频繁的给我发邮件。 |
? |
阴阳怪气话术: |
To ensure all the information wont get lost, let us reduce the frenquency of our communications |
so the update only provide when there new details will be provided. |
为了确保所有的讯息都不会被遗漏,让我们降低交流的频率 |
直至我们有新更新的细节被提供出来。 |