32 小时
刚注册公司,营业执照都下来了,然后急急忙忙就去申请欧洲站了,我是在官网自己申请的,没有通过招商经理,一开始都没有问题,刚开通还扣了月租费,然后第二天再看就收到了红旗邮件,内容如下:Good day, We are currently reviewing your Amazon.com seller account. During the exam, you can not sell on Amazon.com.
Send any outstanding orders. If you have credit on your account, it will become available when all the costs forA-to-Zclaims or compensation have been deducted. This usually takes 90 days, but sometimes credit can be retained longer.
You can see your balance and billing information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail topayments-nachforschungen@amazon.de.
Please send us the following documents and confirm the validity of your credit card:
- Invoice from a utility company with your name and address - Invoice copies, purchase receipts, contracts or delivery notes issued by your supplier within the last 90 days, if you have ceased active offers.
You can send us files in PDF, PNG or GIF format. These documents must be genuine and unchanged. You can remove the pricing information, but the rest of the documentation must be visible. To send us your documents, please follow this link (https://sellercentral.amazon.de/cu/contact-us).
Once we have your documents, we will review them and then decide on your re-approval as a seller at Amazon.de. Regards, Seller confirmation Amazon services 已经按照要求提交了发票,原文是德语,我翻译成英文了, 然后等了一个星期,也就是今天,收到了第二封通知,直接就是说不让我在亚马逊售卖, 内容:Good day,
Your seller account at Amazon.de
We reviewed your account and the information you provided and decided that you should not sell on Amazon.com.
Your account is related to another account that is not allowed to sell merchandise on Amazon.com. Due to the nature of our company, we provide no information about our audit methods.
Send any outstanding orders. If you have credit on your account, it will become available when all the costs for A-to-Z claims or compensation have been deducted. This usually takes 90 days, but sometimes credit can be retained longer.
You can see your balance and billing information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail topayments-nachforschungen@amazon.de. Regards, Seller confirmation Amazon services 这是不是就是说申请失败了,不能再次申请了?有没有其他的解决办法,或者能不能用这套资料去申请美亚或者日亚, 有知道的指点一下吧,感谢各位了。 好心人大卖。