We have removed your Amazon selling privileges because of buyer complaints about the items they received from you. Please see below for some examples of the listings we have received complaints about:
Complaint type: inauthentic
Complaint type: damaged/defective
Complaint type: not as advertised
To maintain a trusted marketplace for buyers and sellers, we take immediate action when we identify a buyer complaint regarding the condition and authenticity of products. You can view previous emails about buyer complaints on the Performance Notifications section of Seller Central (https://sellercentral-europe.ama ... -notifications.html).
What you can do
If you would like your selling privileges reinstated, respond to this message and let us know. When you respond, include a plan of action that contains the following:
1. Description of the issues that caused the complaints.
2. Explanation of the steps you have taken to resolve the issues and ensure that similar complaints won’t happen again.
3. Any additional details you would like us to know.
To find more information on how to submit your plan of action, search “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in Seller Central Help.
What happens next
We’ll review the information you send and get back to you with an answer within 2 business days. When we respond, we may ask you for additional details or to revise your plan of action. If your plan of action sufficiently addresses the complaints, we will consider reinstating your selling privileges.
While your account is restricted, we will place a reserve on your funds. Any amounts paid forA-to-ZGuarantee claims and chargebacks on your orders may be deducted from the funds in your account. If you have questions about these funds, write topayments-investigate@amazon.co.uk.
Please understand that if you are unable to submit a sufficient plan of action within 17 days, we may remove your listings and continue the reserve on your funds.
Learn more
Sellers should understand our policies regarding product condition and descriptions. To learn more, search “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions”, “Product Detail Page Rules”, and “Condition Guidelines” in Seller Central Help.
We appreciate your cooperation.
Seller Performance Team
Amazon Services
Gentile cliente,
Con questo messaggio desideriamo informarLa che abbiamo provveduto a riattivare il Suo account venditore Amazon.it e che è autorizzato a riprendere le vendite sul nostro sito web. Ci scusiamo per gli eventuali disagi provocati da questa chiusura. Nel nostro continuo impegno finalizzato al miglioramento dell'esperienza dei clienti su Amazon.it, può capitare di peccare per eccesso di prudenza. Ai venditori Amazon viene richiesto di mantenere una percentuale ordini difettosi (percentuale di ordini che hanno ricevuto unfeedbacknegativo, una richiesta di garanzia dalla A alla Z o un chargeback sulla carta di credito) inferiore all'1% degli ordini ricevuti. Quantità eccessive di annullamenti di ordini, di rimborsi o di spedizioni tardive possono determinare restrizioni dell'account.
La ringraziamo per l'interesse dimostrato e Le auguriamo buona fortuna per le Sue vendite su Amazon.it.
Performance Venditore Amazon Services
Gracias por responder a nuestra solicitud de información. Antes de que podamos restablecer su catálogo necesitamos que nos suministre un plan de acción más detallado con respecto a esta reclamación de No Auténtico, No se Ajusta a la Oferta/Producto Equivocado, y Da?ado/Defectuoso.
Qué puede hacer
Envíe un email apoliticas-performance-vendedor@amazon.ese incluya un plan de acción que contenga lo siguiente:
1. Descripción de los problemas que causaron la reclamación. 2. Detalle de los pasos que ha adoptado para resolver el problema y para asegurar que no se vuelvan a repetir reclamaciones similares. 3. Cualquier detalle adicional que desee comunicarnos.
Qué sucede ahora
Evaluaremos la información que nos remita y le responderemos en 1 día laborable. Si logramos corroborar la información que usted ha enviado en su plan de acción y resulta valida, restableceremos su catálogo tan pronto nos sea posible.
Más información
Los usuarios de esta plataforma deben conocer nuestra política con respecto a la condición y descripción de los productos. Para más información, por favor busque “Acciones y actividades de vendedor prohibidas”, “Normas de la página de detalles del producto” y “Pautas sobre el estado del artículo” en la Ayuda de Seller Central.
?Tiene más preguntas? Puede consultarnos llamando a nuestro equipo de Atención al Cliente: Contactar:https://sellercentral.amazon.es/hz/contact-us
Agradecemos su cooperación y gracias por vender en Amazon.
Performance Vendedor Amazon.es http://www.amazon.es