Dear AmazonSeller Performance Team,
We understandthat recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below bothAmazon’s and our own standards of quality.
I believe it ismainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen twonegative reviews which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performancetarget of <1%.
Unfortunately,we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxxbecause of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare duringthe period without order.?
Plan of Action:We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all ofproducts to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately matchwith our products.
2. Mostimportantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively
within12 hours
toany problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and helpprevent such circumstances as much as possible, then replacement or a fullrefund will be done within 24 hours
3. In addition,we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we aremeeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customerservice.