
18 小时
在2018年10月29号,由于变体违规账号被中止。如何进行快速申诉恢复销售权限? 下文是亚马逊2018年10月25号发来的绩效通知。估计有不少的卖家都有收到一样的邮件,最下方是所有的违规变体(猜想:这些ASIN的所有者应该都收到了这封邮件
Hello, We are contacting you because you may have misused ASIN variations. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to create product detail pages with invalid variations, which includes, but is not limited to: -- Adding children products that are not true variations of the parent product.-- Changing the parent product’s detail page so it does not match the children. The listings we corrected are at the bottom of this message. If this problem continues, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com. To learn more about this policy, search for "ASIN Creation Policy" in Seller Central Help (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G201844590). Please review your other listings in the Inventory section of Seller Central to make sure that they follow our policies (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201186860). You can learn more about your account health in the Performance section of Seller Central (https://sellercentral.amazon.com ... board?ref=ah_em_mpa). ------------------------------------- Detail Pages Corrected ------------------------------------- Some of these ASIN: B00NKGDI6Y B07HD6D2BD B00WFAQV0Q B005QWY3PU B07GWDDWM7 B07GW3R1GM B07GWM8BQ6 B00WXY18WK B00OIZO6K8 B0092PZZLS B01M0HR45Q B01M0HR3QF B00FF7PDKK B00A23FX5M B00A23FXKW B00A23FXYS B00IRZMYN6 B01ARCXBC4 B00KWMNDDM B072Q9R3SV B00MU5WITO B06Y1ZK236 B0090R20R0 B07DWLJVLN B01D3SPLDG B01GZWNCZ6 B01F8QI8XG B01HCFTSJE B01HCFTUCO B01HCFTUEC B01HCFTWFE B01HCFTMOK B01HCFTP06 B01GZWNF0S B01F8QI908 B01HCFTOP2 B01HCFTQL4 B01HCFTKWY B01HCFTNDU B01HCFTQGO B01HCFTSC6 B01GZWNFBC B01F8QIBMO B01GZWNG9I B01F8QIAHA B01LVZEO1R B01LW1Z1EE B01LVVIM09 B01LVVIOKH B01LWBT3ZK B01LVWUENV B01LWAZY29 B01LWBXYKI B01LWAXBXJ B01LW9NTWE B01LVUAC0U B01LW9NKUI B01LW736K7 B01LW0OZIV B01LWAW4HY B01LVUAAPP B01LVUAC0X B01LVZEOT5 B06XWML1K2 B06XW8NT69 B06XWQ7ZFR B06XWM6NTR B06XWQQX6X B06XW8NVMV B06XWQPY2H B06XWN1JKH B06XWB63N9 B06XWNXMSF B06XWN7Y44 B06XWQMC59 B06XWM6NTP B06XWNP2K3 B01HCFTQL4 B01HCFTOP2 B017CLYI8O B06XJVP692 B01F8QIAHA B06XS5ZF15 B06XSG7LL4 B06XRY58FS B0746CS3S7 B0746CT25C B06XS66347 B06XSGLQ9X B06XS8PQGL B06XSGDHDT B0154EEUNE B00VV97OKI B01IDZX960 B01K1YT8YI B07GR7JYVN B07GN9YJ6X B07GS32MSK B07HRDNMJQ B01NBAB5H6 B00YZO04CQ B076MRKLP7 B00NY2HB30 B07HF89VSD B07GDH8JWV B07HF3TZXG B00QH4VUUM B0756RN1XV B078MZQQXM B00ODP9YF0 B01GFC4908 B010U63WJY B00F6SQ1D6 B00WJE7EVS B07DNQ1BS7 B075ZS3YJD B010VFFRCE B012AHM23SB0151M47M8 B0151M49OY B017SHQNJ4 B0151M49OY B01D1UAY9M B00PXUD932 B07GNHCSG3 B01M1DJOU0 B01LYSO73C B01EYGGEL4 B01GJ25CYQ B01GJ25C9Q B01MUCZX6E B07F1FZBN6 B01L3F1UZ4 B00H4P7LWE B01MUCZX6E B07F1FZBN6 B01L3F1UZ4 B00H4P7LWE B01L3F1UZ4 B0089WY3NQ B00UCSHPE4 B07GSR62DF B07F9Q4HL6 B07DQMNHNC B07CZ9ZHQ6 B01LZ8S3TO B00FEQ429U B00IWJUGU0 B07GSY32K1 B07GSSJ4G7 B07GRY1WG9 B00SJ0MWCM B00WHI9CHA B01FLUU79M B07BHKKBND B00SLX3GCM B07FBB3F6G B07DNXB2VM B00STP86G8 B07GZJ33HF B015TDEGXE B01AS0D52Q B00NF2RUTO B07JDX7MLB B00TN4J1TA B01CHZPXJ8 B00BG34UMY B016U75MMC B00WHQVYV4 B00LMJVOQ2 B07CWNYFV3 B07GF1FKXY B07GDZZPXF B011LSGMT2 B07D9F1B9Z B07CPS9XN5 B0044WA5N2 B07GFMHM6D B009V0O9NY B00NWEB49W B009381N2E B018DL0AO8 B0119F9EPG B01MU0YV6Q B00E9FGTE8 B00EEFBDEY B00EEFBEYS B00E9FGWOU B00E9FGUZQ B00C9O6BMG B07JMX8YJ6 B00SZH730K B00C9O6BMG B017MXXACW B00N2E3ZHG B00E9FGTE8 B00INMB23Q B00XIS7L9Y B00E38XXVS B00E38XXVS B00EQ388UQ B00EQ3MTSI B00EQ3JHRO B00EQ3CSAC B00EQ3GTJI B00EQ34KE4 B00EQ3AP3O B019XL2BW6 B072JJBJ61 B01BXUOP7Y B074TWDYWN B076J65HHP B01JQA0YEG B015K1PR7Y B073QLRZJR B0748WHG74 B01H4A9CW0 B01KKOOWYU B00OY2Z3IO B07414D1C3 B06W55ST7R B07H2TQQCC
Sincerely,Seller Performance TeamAmazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com 没有正确预料的这次的风险。在本周一也就是2018年10月29号得到老板允许后再次合并,第二天上午合并后,没几个小时就发现账号被中止了。并收到如下绩效邮件通知:Dear --------,We attempted to reach you by phone today to discuss selling activities related to Variation Abuse. As a result of these issues, your Amazon selling account has been temporarily deactiVATed. At this time, funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue.Amazon previously alerted you of these issues by emailing the notices listed below:Notice one:-- Date:10/24/2018 -- ASIN: B00NKGDI6Y -- Policy violation: Variation AbuseNotice two:-- Date:10/24/2018 -- ASIN: B07HD6D2BD -- Policy violation: Variation AbuseNotice three:-- Date:10/24/2018 -- ASIN: B00WFAQV0Q -- Policy violation: Variation AbuseTo reinstate your selling account, please submit a plan of action that addresses these issues. A valid plan of action should include:– The root causes of these issues– The actions you have taken to resolve these issues– The steps you have taken to prevent similar issues in the futureWhen you are ready, please submit your plan and supporting product documentation at this link (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us).We’re here to help. Use this link (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us/cmn/QUALITY) to speak with an Account Health Specialist if you need help drafting your plan of action or have questions.You can learn more about Amazon’s policies in Seller Central Help:ASIN Creation Policy:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201844590VariationRelationships:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/8831ProductDetail Page Rules:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G200390640FairPricing:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/5TUVJKZHUVMN77VWelook forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely,Seller Performance TeamAmazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com