大家新年好,有遇到这种VAT的情况么,一起讨论下,谢谢 企鹅3171966767 ----------------
Dear Sir or Madam
New measures were introduced by HMRC for some businesses established overseas that are required to be registered for VAT in the UK. With these new measures, we may:
direct a business to appoint a VAT representative in the UK
require a business to provide a security to HMRC
rule that an online marketplace provider and/or a UK VAT representative are jointly and severally liable, together with the business, for any UK VAT debts that become due.
You can find more information on the New Measures by visiting
www.gov.ukand searching for ‘overseas businesses using an online marketplace to sell goods in the UK’.
After reviewing your VAT returns I am emailing to request sales and purchase records that make up the figures submitted on your VAT return and to include an activity report from Amazon showing all sales from the date you began to trade until the end of your most recent VAT return period. Please see the letter attached which explains exactly what I need.
We need you to send us this information within the next 7 days, by31st January 2019. If I do not have a response to my request for the records this may result in a notification being issued to your online market place of your non-compliance. This may result in you being removed from this marketplace.
Please ensure you include our reference in your reply and correspond in English using sterling currency.
Please confirm that you agree to all contact being made by email. You will need to read the attached DSC1a factsheet which provides
information about the use of email, the risks and what you need to send to us.
Yours faithfully
Online Selling Compliance Team
HM Revenue and Customs
03000 534401
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