We are reviewing your Amazon.com seller account. During our review, you will not be able to sell on Amazon.com.
Please ship any open orders. If you have funds in your account, they will be available after any amounts paid forA-to-Zclaims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer.
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email to
Please provide the following documents and confirm there is a valid credit card on file:
--Business license, if applicable
--If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days.
You can send files in .pdf, .png, or .gif format. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. Please send the documents to
Once we receive your documents, we will review them and decide whether you may sell on Amazon.com again. 译文:你好,
您可以在Seller Central的“付款”部分中查看余额和结算信息。如果您对此有疑问,请发送电子邮件至payments-funds@amazon.com。
- 可见帐单,名称和地址可见 - 营业执照(如适用) - 如果您有活动列表,请包括过去90天内发布的供应商的发票,收据,合同或交货单的副本。
收到您的文件后,我们会对其进行审核,并决定您是否可以再次在Amazon.com上销售。1.可见账单是要什么呀 信用卡账单吗 还是什么?2营业执照(如适用) 这个如适用是啥意思呀,不是说个人站不需要营业执照吗?3.活动列表,90天内发布的供应商的发票,收据,合同。 这个我都没上架产品,这个我也没有呀,这个要不要提交啊 还有那个行动计划书怎么写啊? 请大神帮我支支招>