10 小时
提供的带公司抬头的增值税发票一直没通过,需要在发票规格型号那栏写上后台的sku吗 还有上传了供应商的FDA检测 亚马逊一直模板恢复 Amazon
[color=rgb(85, 85, 85) !important]Jul 23, 2019 05:28 AM
Hello from Amazon Seller Support, Thank you for your interest in selling【婴幼儿家具】on Amazon.com.
Upon reviewing the document you submitted, we are unable to approve your application at this time. Therefore, to continue processing your request, we require additional information from you.
--The invoice provided does not include the product you are applying to sell. Please provide an invoice that reflects [Baby_Furniture] products. --The document provided includes information that does not match your selling account. Please provide an invoice that reflects your business name and address.
Please provide us with the document mentioned below. You may reply directly to this case to provide us with the requested information. Please ensure that the documentation you submit meets the following requirements, as applicable:
The Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) you submit must meet the requirements below:
? Include product name and description ? Contain name of the manufacturer ? Include date and location where product was manufactured ? Include date and location where the product was tested ? Include name, address of the lab that conducted the testing ? Include the list of each consumer product safety regulation to which the product was certified for
If you are a re-seller/distributor, please provide us with at least 1 manufacture issued invoice (Invoice/Sales Invoice) that shows a purchase of 10 or more application related products. You will also need to provide one of the documents listed above.
The invoice you submit must meet the the requirements outlined below.
? Invoices must be dated within the last 180 days or reflect the delivery or purchase of products within the last 180 days. ? All documents must be valid and unexpired. ? All documents must be clear and legible. No information other than pricing may be redacted. ? All documents must include your name and address, as listed within your selling account. ? All documents must include the issuer’s name and contact information (e.g., phone number, address, e-mail, website, etc.).
This case will remain open for you for 14 days so that you may submit new documents. Please know that if we do not hear from you within that time, this case will be closed.
We look forward to hearing from you and I hope you have a wonderful day.