
9 小时
发表于 2020-8-3 10:41:50
邮件: Dear seller,
We are writing to let you know that the product(s) listed at the bottom of this message have been removed from sale on Amazon.co.uk marketplace.
Why is this happening? Your product(s) has been removed from sale due to a potential safety and/or non-compliance issue. You can learn more about safety and compliance policies here:
Note: All pending customer orders will be cancelled, and you should not seek to ship any pending orders for this product yourself.
How do I reinstate my products? In order for the reinstatement request to be considered, we need to receive the following evidence as a minimum:
For food products (food and food supplements): ? Images of product labelling showing all mandatory labelling requirements or a PDF document showing the full compliant product label; and ? Confirmation that the detail page information is in line with the product labelling.
For non-food products: ? Declaration of Conformity (DoC) if applicable to the product/Proof of registration with CPNP (if cosmetic); ? Test reports to back up the DoC; ? Images of the product and packaging showing all mandatory markings and labels; and ? Copy of the user manual
How do I send the required information? Any appeal of this decision will be handled via a reinstatement request. Contact Seller Support on how to initiate the reinstatement process. All relevant documentation can be submitted via Seller Support.
What happens next? If you do not send the requested information, your products will remain unsellable.
If you are a Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) seller, you will be temporarily unable to create a removal order for the affected product(s) for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, create a removal order in Seller Central to arrange for the removal or disposal of any affected product(s) in our Fulfilment Centres. If you are unable to create a removal order after 30 days, contact Seller Support for assistance. The remaining stock will automatically be disposed after 60 days of being unsellable.
We remind you that you are responsible for the products you list on the Amazon.co.uk marketplace, and for complying with our policies and all applicable laws. You will not be penalised for the first-time removal of these listings. However, we prohibit re-listing of the affected product(s) on the Amazon.co.uk marketplace. Note that further listing of these affected product(s) on the Amazon.co.uk marketplace may result in the removal of your selling privileges.
We are here to help As your products were removed from sale for safety and/or compliance matters, consult the below Product Safety and Compliance seller help pages for further information:
Amazon will not give legal or compliance support beyond the help pages already published. For food products, make sure that all non-compliance issues are addressed before requesting reinstatement as only one reinstatement request will be considered without supporting evidence from a third-party consultant. If you need further support, we suggest that you seek external food compliance and/or legal advice.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Regards, Amazon www.amazon.co.uk
Note: This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming emails. Do not reply to this message.
Affected product(s): B*******GD
提交申诉邮件以及文件后亚马逊最后一封回复邮件: Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,
Our records indicate that your product has been recalled. We also were able to find inventory for the FNSKU X******FX.
Please try to create a removal order for the remaining inventory. This is a requirement before a request for reinstatement of a recalled ASIN can be considered.
Product removal requested by UK Trading Standards as it was tested and found to be non-compliant with Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 The product has the following defects: - It had not been designed and manufactured in accordance with the principal elements of the safety objectives given in Schedule 1 of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.The sample did not bear a type, batch or serial number or other element allowing its identification. The equipment was not marked with a name, registered trade name or registered trademark. The sample was not marked with a single postal address at which the manufacturer can be contacted. The sample had not been accompanied by instructions and safety information in a language easily understood by consumers and other end-users. The sample was a socket mounted device for use with BS1363 sockets. The plug pins on the device were not compatible with sockets outlets conforming to BS1363.