请问一下我们有一款产品由于安全问题被封了 现在亚马逊也要求我们提供CPC, 我们找供应商要了CPC 的证书 亚马逊回复说我们所提供的CPC 是第三方机构出具的, 不行, 要卖家自己出具的或者是是制造商出具的才行 这到底啥意思, 有人遇到过吗? 证书不都是机构出具的吗
The CPC we received appears to be issued by a third party testing lab. However, Amazon policy requires CPC is issued from the manufacturer/seller.
Please reply to this case by submitting a CPC issued from the manufacturer/seller in order to move forward with the approval process.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this important matter.
Thanks Amazon Product Assurance