
8 小时
之前为了突破限制发货,把已删除的货件也一起发走了。现在收到了一封需要注意的邮件,有人遇到过吗?需要写POA吗? 邮件内容:
Greetings from Fulfillment by Amazon, We are writing to inform you that the below shipments are in violation of FBA’s box content information policies. We have confirmed that box content information for these shipments was not available due to the shipment being in "DELETED" status.
FBAxxxxxx FBAxxxxxx
Amazon requires that accurate box content information be provided with each shipment sent to an Amazon fulfillment center. Box content information includes the unit quantity of each SKU per box, expiration dates (if applicable), and the box weight and dimensions. Failing to provide, or providing incorrect box content information, results in longer processing times before your products can be received into inventory.
Once you approve a shipping plan on your Review shipments page, we begin preparing for the arrival of your inventory and we rely on your approved plan to coordinate our operations. If you delete a shipment, the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) box ID labels and carrier labels generated for the shipment can no longer be used, and these shipments are no longer expected at the fulfillment center. Sending in shipments that have been deleted is a violation of FBA policy, and can lead to additional processing, handling, and rerouting that can delay the receipt of your inventory and its availability for sale.
Failure to comply with FBA policies may result in the suspension of your ability to send additional shipments, a manual processing fee being applied, and will require you to acknowledge the issue and provide an acceptable Plan of Action to ensure future shipments will be compliant with policy.
Please reply to this case indicating you have received this message and understand this policy.
For more information, see: - "Box content information for FBA shipments to Amazon" at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/202047840 - "Deleted, misrouted and incomplete shipments" at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html?itemID=LMEBQLNBY97ANYY
Thank you for selling with Amazon,
Natalia Salcedo Amazon Seller Support