79 小时
1) 申請亞馬遜帳號後,登入時會即時被移除銷售權,並會收到一個電郵:
Dear Seller,
Thank you for your interest in selling on Amazon.com. Your request is currently under review. We will send you an email message once our review is complete. There is no need to appeal this action.
We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for selling on Amazon.com.
Seller Performance Team Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com
2) 此時先發個電郵給AMZ, 以加速AMZ對帳號的回應 (本人發了兩個電郵追問為何會發生這情況,很快得到回應)
Hello from Amazon.
As previously stated, we have been conducting a review of your Amazon.com selling account.
While our review can take as many as 10 days to complete, you may be able to expedite our review by providing us with the following information:
1. Current retail or online sales channels including links to selling pages. 2. Your business name and a detailed explanation of your business including your source(s) of inventory. 3. If you intend to sell internationally recognized branded products – please submit proof of authenticity or distribution authorization. 4. If you intend to sell product that have a safety component, including any toys or electrical devices – please submit any relevant safety testing certification that you may have (e.g., Underwriter Laboratories, CE Marking, etc.). 5. Please upload offers to the ASINs that you plan offer against.
Please e-mail us atpq-preapprovals@amazon.comto provide us with information regarding your seller account.
We will evaluate the information that you provide to us and respond accordingly.
You will be notified via e-mail when our account review is complete.
Seller Performance Team Amazon.com
1. Current retail or online sales channels including links to selling pages.(本人回答沒有) 2. Your business name and a detailed explanation of your business including your source(s) of inventory.(本人直接回答是個人賣家身份,而AMAZON網店名:XXX商店,本人的貨源由XX公司提供,並詳述XX的背景,最好提供XX公司的相關資料或網站供AMZ參考) 3. If you intend to sell internationally recognized branded products – please submit proof of authenticity or distribution authorization. (沒有) 4. If you intend to sell product that have a safety component, including any toys or electrical devices – please submit any relevant safety testing certification that you may have (e.g., Underwriter Laboratories, CE Marking, etc.).(沒有) 5. Please upload offers to the ASINs that you plan offer against.(銷售權被移除,但仍可上載OFFERS,上傳後在覆信時答已上傳OFFERS.便可)
4) 最後:今天 於 3:59 AM Hello from Amazon.
After reviewing your account details and the information that you have provided, we have determined that you may sell these items on Amazon:
XXX products
We appreciate your patience with our review process. If you would like to sell additional products on Amazon, please e-mail us atpq-preappovals@amazon.com.
If you are an international seller, please review the following Notice for International Sellers -https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/seller/registration/participationAgreement.html?itemID=200404870&language=en_USbefore selling on Amazon.
Seller Performance Team Amazon.com