本帖最后由 BQoolCN 于 2018-3-12 16:56 编辑
所有中国卖家想要feedback& Review!现在提升 Review 真的很~简~单(我相信大家应该都知道怎样做)因此今天针对 Feedback 索取好评模板来给大家参考! BQool 收集了几个亚马逊超级大卖家,使用卖家反馈软件,所统计出回评率! 将前三名的模板给大家参考!
首先呢,先来晒张图,这个卖家已经做了 15 年以上的 Amazon 直到使用了 BQool 之后来索取好评!自动化的评论稳定的成长及增加!
以下是大卖家最近的成效!平均是 5.7%!维持的不错!
当然此卖家有进行 BQool 的卖家后台整合,因此可以看到回评率以及好评率! 有使用 BQool 的人注意啰!请参考 卖家反馈软件 - 卖家后台整合
亚马逊卖家在撰写电邮时,最常遇到的问题莫过于要如何写好一篇索取好评的模板,让买家们能服服贴贴的给卖家 feedback 和 review。
BQool 的卖家反馈软件不但可以自动寄送索取评论电邮给客户快速收取评论,BQool 的专业模板让收到信件的客户更积极给评,配合 BQool 专属的评论超链接,让不懂如何留下评论的买家直接到写评论的页面,立马给你店铺和商品好评,除此之外,电邮模板还有变数功能,像是订单号、要评论的商品名称、卖家店铺名字都可以从软件系统自动产生。BQool 在这统整了三个我们最有效果,最受用户们喜爱的电邮模板,供大家作为参考。
特别的是,此卖家对物流非常有信心,可以很确定(货物寄达天数) 这一项!如果你不是做 FBA 的还是先不要写这样清楚吧!
Hello Amazon Valued Customer, Great news!(你的店铺名)order has been shipped. It left our warehouse earlier today on its way to you! You can expect it on your doorstep within the next(货物寄达天数)days (most likely sooner).
You made a great customer choice shopping with us. At(你的店铺名), we truly care about your customer experience and, just importantly, your product experience. We are 100% dedicated to your complete satisfaction.Feedback and Product Reviewshelp us provide you and all(你的店铺名)product and Amazon customers with a better product and service.
- Leave Product Review: Product name 1
- Leave Product Review: Product name 2
- Leave Product Review: Product name 3
That’s it for now. We appreciate and value your business. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. If you do not receive your item within(需送货天数)days, then please contact Amazon support here: Amazon Customer Support
Best Regards, (你的店铺名) Customer Care Team
顺序:Review > Feedback! 经过统计此模板是 BQool 默认模板的变体,但是效果依旧不错!
Dear Buyer's full name,
(店铺名)from Amazon would like to thank you for your recent purchase.
Our record indicates that your order has been delivered or will be delivered to you shortly. We want to make sure you are completely satisfied with the product you have purchased. Please let us know if there is any issues, questions or concerns. Our customer support team is standing by to assist you.
If you are satisfied with the product, please take a moment to submit a product review here:
- Leave Product Review: Product name 1
- Leave Product Review: Product name 2
- Leave Product Review: Product name 3
If you've had a pleasant buying experience from our store on Amazon, please leave us feedback by clicking on the following link:
Leave Feedback
Thank You, Customer Service Team
排名第三的模板: 顺序:Product > Review > Feedback !是 BQool 标准的模板之一! Dear Buyer's full name, Our records indicate that you have recently purchased a
- Product name 1
- Product name 2
- Product name 3
from us on Amazon.com. In our endeavor to provide the best quality cases to customers, we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on our product. To do so, we would encourage you to leave a review of the product on Amazon.com. To leave a product review, please sign into Amazon.com and click the following link:
- Leave Product Review: Product name 1
- Leave Product Review: Product name 2
- Leave Product Review: Product name 3
Your comments will ultimately aid us in continually improving our products and services. We want to continue to meet and exceed your expectations. Additionally, you mayLeave Seller Feedbackfor(店铺名)on Amazon. We genuinely hope that your experience with our store was one that was positive and memorable. Thank you in advance for your valuable feedback. Warmest regards, (店铺名)Customer Service
以下是失败的索取好评模板,这是 BQool 在 Amazon 上面购物,一般卖家寄给我的索取好评模板,有点可惜!没有链接、没有可以点击的地方,还要按照顺序走。基本上我就不会去留评了..
看到这边是否就能明白,为何使用 BQool 卖家反馈软件的卖家们能这样稳定成长 Feedback 数量,不仅是我们自动帮你发送索取好评电邮,卖家后台整合排除给过好评的买家以及卖家反馈状态管理让你做好即时客服管理。
(编辑BQool 比酷尔)
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