We are continuing to work with the seller verification team regarding re-verification of your selling accounts over the course of the last month or so. Unless you are experiencing the technical issues of not being able to select the proper business type due to the toggle feature being greyed out, please continue to proceed with the reverification process.
We are also aware that some individual sellers selecting the ‘Individual’ business type are receiving error messages saying 'the current business type is not supported.' The team is looking into this and should hopefully clarify the situation soon.
If you have questions regarding the documentation needed to reverify your account, there is a seller help page linkedhere. Additionally, there is a FAQpagethat highlights why certain documents are not accepted and which business type you should choose based on your type of business. If you have not received a notice to reverify your account, there may be time within your Amazon selling journey that, you may be asked. Please be on the lookout for communication from Amazon and follow the steps accordingly to reverify.
Community Managers are escalating deactivated accounts due to the failure of missing the reverification window and/or submitting incorrect documentation on a case-by-case basis. We do apologize for the inconvenience this process has caused and hope to get additional questions regarding reverification answered soon.