94 小时
Hello, Your account has failed our verification process.As a result, your listings are inactive and funds from your selling on Amazon account will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. We leveraged a combination of automated means and expert human review to identify this issue and make this decision. Why is this happening?We recently contacted you because we need some additional information to verify your account. We have not received the requested information. How do I reactiVATe my account?Please emailkyc-iba-verification@amazon.co.ukfrom your registered email account to completeKYCverification and VAT registration number (VRN) validation for your business. Please refer to the account health notification sent to your seller central account for more details.How does this impact my account access and account funds?If you have funds in your account, you can request them after any amounts forA-to-ZGuarantee claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer. Contactpayments-investigate@amazon.co.ukif you have questions about funds. What should I do if I have items stored in an Amazon fulfillment center?Within 30 days from the time we first informed you that your account failed verification, you need to create a removal order if you have any items stored in any Amazon fulfillment center. To do so, go to your inventory view on Seller Central:https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/ssof/knights/items-list.html You can choose to dispose of this inventory or have it returned to you. If within 30 days you do not create a removal order, we will dispose of your inventory and you will be debited for standard removal fees. We're here to helpFor information on your inventory, including any disposal of inventory, creating a removal order, or related standard removal fees, you can contact us at any time:https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/help/hub/support For more information on selling requirements, go to "Information required to sell on Amazon":https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/G201200780 The Amazon Payments team 绩效那里没有任何通知,在后台点击激活账户,按要求提交了身份证,营业执照,以及地址证明。请问这种算是KYC吗? 2016年注册的老号,从来没试过停售验证信息的。并且没有任何通知。有人有过同样的经历吗?多久恢复销售权限的呀?