每到第四季度,亚马逊为了提升年终旺季客户的购买体验和整体产品质量,都会严厉监管卖家账号,所以最近有一部分卖家反映产品的review被移除,或者后台收到了小红旗,显示销售权限被移除。 ![]()
很多卖家表示完全不知道发生了什么,简直就是人在家中坐,锅从天上来,特别是对于一些新注册的卖家账号,产品都没上架,就被移除销售权限了,新账号大部分是因为亚马逊片进行再一次审查,你可以根据亚马逊要求提供相应的营业执照、银行账单、发票、地址证明等信息。 如果不是新注册的账号,可能是前期账号表现出了问题,现在只是“秋后算账”,通常是由于以下几个原因致使卖家账号被移除销售权限: 1.绩效较差:各项指标(例如:订单缺陷率、取消率、有效跟踪单率、迟发率等)未达到亚马逊平台的绩效目标。 2.违反了亚马逊的销售政策,例如:销售假冒伪劣产品。 3.产品侵权。 如果收到账号权限被移除的邮件,可以先开case咨询亚马逊客服,了解是因为什么原因而导致的。不管是什么原因引起帐号权限被移除,亚马逊都会给一定的时间让你进行申诉(除了一些极特殊的情况外),在写申诉邮件时,一定要针对性强,且只针对当前面临的问题解释原因并给出具体的改善方案。 例如,销售权限被移除是因为订单取消率过高导致,处理方法 : 检查库存管理和库存的控制流程,如果发现过高的订单取消率是由于长期缺货造成的,那么申诉补救计划中要提到后期您会对所有的产品库存每天进行监控和统计以确保所有上架的产品都有非常理想的库存量,不会导致有单无货的局面。 以下是申诉模板,可供各位卖家参考。 ODR的申诉模板 Dear Amazon Team, Thank you for giving us a chance to state our detailed and plans about precise solutions regarding shipments. We will show you how we resolve this kind of problems in the future. Please investigate us because it is Amazon’s rights. We have a confidence in becoming a good seller when we avoid defects later. 1,Why our account is locked ... 2,How to correct the problem 2.1... 2.2,We will make a better inventory management to avoid the occurrence of any short supply. 2.3,We will confirm dispatch every day and do our best to decrease the Late Dispatch Rate, improving our account performance to a large extent. 2.4,We will increase the ability to handle emergencies, such as power failure which can lead to no access to Internet. 2.5,We will ... 3,How to avoid this problem in the future 3.1,... 3.2,... 3.3,We will inform customers of the latest delivery news so that they can know about the status of the items they buy. Moreover, we will ... 3.4,As for the delivered but non-receipt items, we will communicate with customers positively and apologize to them first to acquire their forgiveness. Moreover, we will... 3.5,As a new seller who lacks selling experience on Amazon, we will ... 3.6,We will spend much time on inventory management,... 4,About our currency metrics As for our currency metrics, we will obey all Amazon rules and regulations to build a healthy account. We will ... 5,Our information: Thank you very much to give us a chance to show our detailed plans about how to prevent complaints and other problems. We will ... We are looking forward to your news. We are happy to provide any other additional information as you request. Furthermore, may you have a good day. Best Regards XXX(店铺名) 如果申述被拒绝,可能存在以下问题: ● 没有行动计划或者证据表明卖家已经审视了自己的行为,并做了哪些调查 ● 问题没有表述清楚 ● 解决措施写的太过简洁,没有举例说明,或者提出证据证明 ● 没有具体说明将采取哪种措施避免问题再次发生 下半年旺季已经不远了,各位卖家一定要小心谨慎,不要触犯亚马逊平台的规则,被移除销售权限后,前期的努力都白搭了。