
1 小时
审核要求如下: 身份证扫描件, 1份信用卡对账单/1份银行账户对账单 -------------------------------------------------- 关于身份证扫描件: 不能提供屏幕截图,需要将三个图像合并到一个文件中。 上传的要求是图片形式。 这个是如何操作的? 信用卡账单: 信用卡对账单应该就是信用卡账单,这个没问题,能搞定 银行对账单 1份银行对账单,这个是什么呢? 我的AMAZON账号用的是Worldfirst收款 (Worldfirst好像无法提供这个对账单吧?) 这里指的银行对账单,可以是我中国任意一张银行卡的账单么? 另外如果可以是国内的银行卡, 亚马逊账号注册地址要求和身份证地址一模一样,对账单又要求和亚马逊注册地址一模一样 那是不是还得找银行修改这个对账单地址? 望能够给予帮助答复,不胜感激。
亚马逊审核原文中英版如下: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 文档必须满足以下要求: ? 提交政府签发的居民身份证正反两面的彩色扫描副本,以及手持身份证照片,并将三个图像合并到一个文件中。请勿提交屏幕截图。手持身份证照片要求: o 双手持身份证置于胸前,身份证正面朝前。身份证正面的信息以及照片必须清晰可读 o 本人全脸五官无遮蔽并且清晰可见,拍摄时请正面面对相机 o 请在光线良好环境下,使用高像素手机或数码相机进行拍摄,为确保图像质量,建议由家人或朋友协助拍摄 ? 复印件应该清晰可读。 ? 您的身份证明文件必须为以下语言之一:中文、英语、法语、德语、意大利语、日语、葡萄牙语或西班牙语。如果不是其中任何一种语言,请提供您的护照或公证翻译成其中一种语言的身份证明文件。 ? 居民身份证上的姓名应与您的注册亚马逊账户上的姓名完全匹配。 ?居民身份证上的地址应与您的注册亚马逊账户上的地址完全匹配。如果您需要更改亚马逊账户上的地址,请先按照此处的说明进行操作,然后再提交此申请。 ? 居民身份证不应过期。
信用卡对账单文档必须满足以下要求: ? 您可以隐藏货币金额,但文档的其他部分必须可见。 ? 信用卡对账单上的姓名应与政府签发的居民身份证上的姓名相匹配。 ? 信用卡对账单必须是在过去90天内发出的。 银行账户对账单文档必须满足以下要求: ? 您可以隐藏货币金额,但文档的其他部分必须可见。 ? 您的证明文件必须为以下语言之一:中文、英语、法语、德语、意大利语、日语、葡萄牙语或西班牙语。如果不是其中任何一种语言,请提供公证翻译成其中一种语言的身份证明文件。 ? 银行账户对账单上的公司名称应与您注册的亚马逊账户上的名称一致。 ?银行账户对账单上的地址应与您注册的亚马逊账户上的地址一致。 ? 银行账户对账单必须是在过去 90 天内发出的。
Submit required documents1 document proving national identityDocument must meet the following requirements:
- Submit a scanned color copy of both sides of your government issued national ID and merge the images into one file. Companies/Corporations need to submit a government issued national ID for the primary contact or beneficial owner. Do not submit a screenshot.
- Copies should be legible.
- Your identity document must be in one of the following languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish. If it is not in one of these languages, provide a copy of your passport or a notarized translation of your document into one of these languages.
- The name on the national ID should match the name on your registered Amazon account.
- The address on the national ID should closely match the address on your registered Amazon account. If you need to change your address on Amazon account, follow instructionsherefirst before submitting this application.
- The national ID should not be expired.
1 credit card statement
Document must meet the following requirements:
- Hide the account number and monetary amounts, but the rest of the document must be visible.
- The name on the credit card statement should match the name on your government issued national ID.
- The credit card statement must have been issued within the past 90 days.
1 bank account statementDocument must meet the following requirements:
- Hide the account number and monetary amounts, but the rest of the document must be visible.
- Your document must be in one of the following languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, or Spanish. If it is not in one of these languages, provide a notarized translation of your document into one of these languages.
- For Companies/Corporations, the name on the bank account statement should match the legal entity name on your Amazon account. For Individuals, the name on the bank account statement should match the name on the government issued national ID and your registered Amazon account.
- The address on the bank account statement should match the address on your registered Amazon account. If you need to change the address on your Amazon account, follow the instructionsherefirst before submitting this application.
- The bank account statement must have been issued within the past 90 days.