亚马逊旺季期间,产品销量突飞猛进本来是一件值得高兴的事情,但是有的卖家却满脸愁容,因为自己的劳动果实被其他人给恶意盗取了,眼睁睁看着产品被跟卖的心情难以描述,难道只能袖手旁观?当然不是,今天就给大家介绍如何有效反跟卖。 ![]()
何为跟卖? 即指其他卖家跟你卖的产品完全相同,并且盗用你的listing,如果产品被跟卖了,那么购物车占有率久没有100%,消费者购买的时候可能直接在跟卖者的店铺下单了,销量完全与你无关。 那如何防止被跟卖呢? ①注册商标,然后到亚马逊上进行备案,备案成功配合Test Buy进行投诉。 ② 对listing进行搭配销售,赠送礼物,贴上产品标签或者更换产品包装方式。 ③ 产品本身及包装带Logo,并把包装配件图用在Listing图片中。 ④ 偶尔修改Listing,在卖点和描述里注明"XXXX is registered Trademark by XXXXX" 被跟卖了如何解决? 首先与跟卖者联系,邮件警告让其下架产品,态度一定要强硬,让跟卖者清楚跟卖可能导致的后果,可参考以下警告邮件模板: Dear “ B ”, It has come to our attention that “ B ” is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A ". " A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So“ B ” listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement. Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which“ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright. “ B ”currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize“ A’s”trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: ××××××××××。 " A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on Your listing constitutes a violation of " A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement. “ B ”'s infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales. While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have: (1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate; (2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed above Failure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions. Legal on behalf of " A 如果他们执意不肯下降,卖家则可以直接进行test buy步骤 ,你去购买准备投诉的那个店铺的产品,以此证明他的产品有问题或者侵权了,然后卖家与亚马逊的Seller Performance Team联系。 点击网址链接:进入选择" Report a violation of our rules "。 某些长期跟卖的卖家,可能会察觉出来是要做test buy ,这时他们会立刻更改店铺名,有可能就白投诉了,不过店铺名可以随时更改,Seller ID却不会改变。同时,卖家需要提供跟卖者所销售的产品与Listing描述不符合地方,拍照为证。且要详细描述跟卖者所售产品与你正版产品的差异,投诉邮件要合理陈述内容,为了快速解决跟卖问题,卖家要及时把下列资讯提供给亚马逊客服。 1.The ASIN/ISBN of the item's detail page and the product title(ASIN/ISBN的详细信息页面和产品标题) 2.The store or business name of the seller you are reporting(卖家的商店或公司名称) 3.Your order ID(你的订单ID) 4.A concise explanation of the violation(违反的理由) 注意:投诉邮件中不要提到“Trademark”or“Copyright”,否则会被转到亚马逊Legal Department,然后就没有然后了,对Test buy的order,卖家可申请退货,要求对方负担运费和全额退款。 经亚马逊调查之后情况属实,则会要求该跟卖者立即下架,且有可能会被要求退款给购买他产品的买家。 亚马逊也有可能会给你如下回复:抱歉,我们没有办法帮您删除跟卖者的 Listings。此时你可以权利人身份进行投诉,点击网址链接: 如果卖家已经注册了商标,通过这个入口的投诉成功率在90%左右,如果投诉失败,则可换一个亚马逊客服,重新开case投诉。 如果被VE卖家跟卖(美国本土卖家——VE卖家可以选择把货物供给亚马逊,由亚马逊发货给客户,或在美国本土发货,产品listing中会显示Sold by Amazon标识。)卖家将发布时的UPC码、产品图片、产品原始信息等资料发送给亚马逊客服,向其投诉自己产品被恶意篡改。 亚马逊产品被跟卖了,一定要全力反击,将产品做起来从来都不是件容易的事,背后不知道花费了多少时间、人力、财力,“卧榻之侧,岂容他人酣睡”,希望以上方法帮助大家杜绝跟卖者!