
3 小时
阿默。求教求教啊 ,已经百般无奈焦虑了。搜索了很多贴子,能回复的都回复了,case都开了好多次就是没有回复不知道有没有求了 Hello,
We recently contacted you about confirming shipment for orders you have not actually sent to buyers. Because you are still confirming shipment before sending any part of the order, you currently may not sell on Amazon.com. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. If you have any open orders, please ship them.
To sell on Amazon.com, please send us a plan that explains how you will address this problem. For help creating your plan, search for "Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges" in Seller Central Help. When you are ready to send us your plan, click the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central (https://sellercentral.amazon.com ... -notifications.html).
Once we receive your plan, we will review it and decide whether you may sell on Amazon.com again. If you do not send an acceptable plan within 17 days, we may cancel your listings and hold any funds in your account for up to 90 days.
To talk to someone about this email, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us/performance).
We look forward to hearing from you.
Seller Performance Team Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com 然后第一封申诉信由于没有经验是这么回复的: You wrote:
因卖家绩效不佳而被冻结 ------------------------------------
您好! 我了解,最近我们在亚马逊的卖家表现已经低于亚马逊和自己的标准质量, 主要由于原因导致: 1.库存不足,提前填写发货通知 我确实很后悔也很难过,不是故意的却违规了,不该在没有跟踪信息的时候就提前写了单号,在此想解释下这个违规的原因应该是二个星期前的几个单存在这个问题,当时是年后刚来,年前厂家不发货,年后刚开工很忙他们做不过来,我这边又没库存,一看到后台有单,我都是马上下给工厂做货,结果没按一年的进度交货,拖延了二天发货,然后快递也拖延时间没当天派送,平台发货时间就到了,然后货送了到货代那里,当天都是会发走的,我就录单填写了发货通知,所以跟踪信息是第二天才会出来,有一票是供应商少发了货,填了发货通知后才知道的,事后又补发了,这个可能就被你们检测到提前发货了。 行动计划: 1.年后一二周是特殊情况,厂家发货比较慢,现在已经恢复正常速度了,当天的单,二天会发出,而且我把自发订单的发货时间从二天延长到了3到4天 2.最主要的是,我们减少了在售产品,保留一些我们有常规库存的产品。而且我们已经备了一大批货,一批FBA的货正在途中,自发的产品也备有库存。前二周是一直在等这批货做出来。 3.此外我们将更加积极地监督我们的账户表现,以确保我们达到亚马逊的标准和优质客户服务的标准。
因违规被冻结 ------------------------------------
其他信息 ------------------------------------
3月1号就提交申诉了,然后48小时没有回复,然后我搜索别人的申诉模板重新开了case: Dear Amazon Team, Nice day! Thanks for giving me a chance to appeal. I am very sorry to bring your trouble. I checked the details why my selling privileges have been removed. There is the reason: 1. Tracking info can be available is a little slowly. Mainly from 16th to 25th,Feb,2016,this is the first week we get work from Chinese new year holiday. Shipping company is very busy, many goods are overstock and wait for delivery, of course influent the delivery channel for the goods ship to USA .After shipper send out the goods, the tracking info normally need one day to get on line, that period need after 2 to 3 days can be tracked. I think this may make amazon think I did not send out the goods actually. After one week, the shipping speed become normally, and I keep close notice for the orders which has sent out, they all can be tracked, and most can be received in a normal delivery time, below please check the order list:
细节是关于有问题订单的单号以及发货时间和上网时间 Selling history ------------------------------------
we also selling in aliexpress for more than 2 years, while compared with amazon, we find our products is much more suitable for it , so we closed our aliexpress store this year, now we try our best effort on amazon. We are experienced in aliexpress, but we are very very new in Amazon. But we are study hard and will develop it faster. Please give me a chance.
Additional information ------------------------------------
Generally to say, in order to have the best seller performance, the best Account health. I have to do following: 1, keep enough inventory, so we can ship in the same day when client place orders,the most important, increase the goods fulfillment by Amazon, actually we have tried to ship a big quantity in our first time, and you have received them, very pity we can not sell them now, and keep a normal stock for the goods we ship.And we will write delivery inform after we can track the info,in case any misunderstand later. 2, Ship with the best shipping company, like DHL or Registered Post air mail EUB,American special line. In the future 3, Consider in buyer's position. Communicate well with clients. Give the best after-sale service to buyers. 4, Only selling the best quality products. Long term business in Amazon.
Sincerely hope Amazon can give me a new chance. We can do much better and better.
Look forward to receiving your early reply,Thank you very much.
然后还是没有明确的回复。 只收到这样一封邮件: Hello,
We understand that you may have some questions about your seller account. To talk to someone about what you can do to sell on Amazon.com again, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you. (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us/performance).
Seller Performance Team Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com 但是我后面开了几次case了,还是没有回复,而且只能邮件联系,在线客服都不支持了。 好急啊,刚发了一大批FBA过去,货已经接收了就是不能卖 请问大神我这个还有救吗?怎么才能让他回复我呢?死活好歹 让我知道呀 |