60 小时

因为发现FBA的PENDING订单一直很多,所以写邮件给AMAZON询问原因,结果收到以下邮件: 好纳闷,就因为问了下这个,账号就REVIEW了吗? 而且资金30天不可用? 我需要提供他所说的资料吗?
Thank you for writing to us at Amazon.com,
We are currently reviewing your Amazon Selling Account. We will respond to your inquiry within the next business day.
While we review your Account, your funds will be reserved in your Amazon.com Payments account for up to 30 days. Although we will delay the transfer of funds to your bank account, we will continue accepting orders for items you list for sale on Amazon.com. Once your funds have been released, you will be notified via email, and funds should arrive in your bank account within 5 business days.
You may be able to expedite this review by providing any of the following information if you haven't already:
* You may submit tracking information for your shipments. Please include the corresponding 17-digit Amazon.com order numbers with any tracking numbers. This information may be submitted in plain text, Word or Excel formats * You may also give us information about any other channels through which you sell. * We also encourage you to send a friendly reminder to your buyers requesting that they leavefeedbackon your account after they have received their orders. * If you are currently being reviewed due to recent poor performance, you may submit a plan to for improving your selling performance to seller-performance@amazon.com
While tracking and/or sales information may help expedite the review, it may still be necessary to wait the full review period before funds can be released. Reviews are typically completed within 30 days, but may take up to 45 days if deemed necessary. We will inform you if that should be the case.
Please note that, due to the volume of information we receive, we are unable to offer phone support to accept this information or expedite the review. For this reason we ask that any pertinent information be submitted via email tomerchant-approval@amazon.com. We will evaluate the information you provide and respond accordingly.
It is important that you continue to fulfill your orders and list only items that you will be able to deliver during this process. Once we have completed our review, we will notify you via e-mail. Please note that until then, the "Transfer funds to bank account now" link will be visible in your Amazon.com Seller's account, but transferring funds will not be successful.
We would like to thank you for your patience during this process.